WELCOME            ABOUT            MINISTRIES            EVENTS            MEDIA            CONTACT

WELCOME         ABOUT         MINISTRIES         DISCOVERY DEPOT         EVENTS         MEDIA         CONTACT


Get to know us...

We’re a group of people that want to be more like Jesus. It’s really that simple. We want to take the principles that Jesus taught and live them out in a modern day context.

WHAT’S OUR MISSION?  To make Christ-like disciples in the nations.

        We believe that everyone is created with a natural, built in desire to know and love Jesus.

            Our job is to be loving examples to a world that is wanting to see a community that follows

            His example of sacrificial love.

WHAT WE DO...   We believe that a Christ follower should regularly be doing these six things,

and we strive to build them into everything we do....

         Worship that engages. Contemporary music and preaching style. (Psalm 100)

         Service that matters. Making a difference locally and globally. (1 Timothy 6:19)

         Fellowship that connects. More than just a handshake and a smile. (John13:35)

         Discipleship that transforms. This is where we become like Jesus. (Matt. 28:19-20)

         Evangelism that reconciles. Relationship with God and each other. (Luke 19:10), and

         Prayer that makes the whole thing possible. We can’t do this on our own. (James 4:2)

WHAT WE VALUE...   We highly value being R.E.A.L.

          Relevant - We deal with the world as it is, but see it as it could be. This means that

            we are people who see the world as broken... a poor substitute of God’s original

            creation. This also means that we are people that hope and believe it can be

            better. We strongly believe, with God’s help, we can make it a better place.

         Equipping - We build each other up and encourage one another. We’re not about

            tearing each other, or other people down. We don’t spend a lot of time talking

            about other faiths or communities we might disagree with. We do spend a lot of

            time talking about what we can do to be better representatives of Jesus to

            everyone we come in contact with.

         Authentic - We love Jesus, and don’t pretend to be what we’re not. We believe that

            Jesus came to help those who are sick, not those who pretend to be well. We are

            a community that is honest and authentic; that cares for and about each other. We

            don’t take ourselves very seriously, but we do take our mission seriously.

         Loving - We love people as they are and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of

            transformation in them. This means that we’re accepting of people that don’t think,

            act, or look like we do. We believe that heaven is going to be full of people from all

            walks of life, so we might as well learn to get along now. We practice this with

            people that are opposed to what we believe about Jesus, believing that the Holy

            Spirit’s power is strong enough to transform anyone who comes in contact with

            authentic Christianity.

In 2013, Faith Community celebrated our Centennial – 100 years as a local congregation!
CLICK HERE to read more about the history of our dynamic, loving church.

For current events, check our “Church News” page.

Faith Community Nazarene  •  Pastor Jim Yelvington  • PJ’s Blog
16800 Imperial Hwy., Yorba Linda, CA 92886  •  714.993.5320  •  info@fcnaz.org